
Welcome to the future of competitive professional basketball. The UBL is the new NBA.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Upcoming Events

The first ever UBL draft was held on Monday, September 19. Teams had a 50 million dollar salary cap and a 30 million dollar spending minimum. The draft was held online and was the first online draft of its kind. Each team drafted 8 players who they believed would hold out through the long, almost seven month season and help them make the playoffs. The first game is yet to be scheduled and will most likely be held on an upcoming friday night. Games will be held and broadcasted one game Friday night, and all other games on Saturday at 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and one late game at 8:00 pm saturday night.


  1. This is a very interesting idea and I think it could work very well. I also like the name of the league.

  2. I never saw that show, The League.
    But I agree.
